Sneaky snacking lead to chocolate toxicity
Whilst chocolate is a perfect pick-me-up snack for humans, it's a poisonous DISASTER for dogs. Unfortunately, as all dog owners know, there's nothing more alluring than a forbidden treat - which can be lethal.
Our incredibly bold friend Riss decided to treat herself to one such "forbidden" snack, and stole a chocolate swiss roll from mum and dad's hidden stash to devour while they weren't home. Luckily, Riss' mum returned in time to catch her in the act. Even more luckily, Riss' mum is a veterinary nurse, and quickly deduced the danger she'd stumbled upon - chocolate toxicity.
Chocolate toxicity is a form of poisoning caused by a chemical found in chocolate, "theobromine". Athough theobromine is harmless to us, it's toxic to consume for both dogs and cats. The amount of theobromine varies depending on the type of chocolate, as well as the product, which means that the level of toxicity can be hard to deduce without medical assistance.
Untreated chocolate toxicity can easily be fatal. Mild symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and increased thirst. In more severe cases, pets can can develop an irregular heart beat, seizures, and other complications which can lead to death. It's important to have your pet assessed by a veterinarian as soon as possible to begin treatment early.
Thankfully, Riss was immediately brought to our GVH clinic and was administered medication to help induce vomiting. After successfully regurgitating her toxic treat, she was given activated charcoal to help absorb the theobromine. Riss has recovered well from her ill-fated snack, and is back to eating her regular, vet-approved treats!
Unfortunately, our furry friends can't understand the devastating risks of chocolate toxicity. Please make sure to keep your chocolate out of your pet's reach, either in the fridge or on a high shelf in your pantry, depending on your temperature preference! If you catch your pet helping themselves to your chocolate stash, contact us immediately to assess your pet's health and determine the best course of treatment.