How to Spot an Ear Infection - WITHOUT a Microscope!

Ear Infection

Stinky ears... constant scratching... furious head shaking. All caused by these unassuming little blue dots!

This microscopic slide shows an established yeast infection, swabbed from the ear of a poor puppy patient. The unfortunate pooch was brought to us after their owner noticed red, smelly ears and persistent head shaking.
Yeast ear infections are typically caused by trapped moisture, common in pets with long floppy ears and fast growing hair. Floppy ears can act as a barrier, preventing the hidden area around the ear canal from drying properly and creating a wet, humid environment ideal for bacterial growth.
Thankfully, yeast infections can be suitably handled by a treatment plan of antibiotics, medicated drops and ear flushes prescribed by your veterinarian. If you notice any of the above signs in your pet you can give us a call on (02) 6962 3142 to investigate the issue and relieve your pet from the painful itch.